San Diego Community Characteristics

SANDAG completed the Community Characteristics analysis to better understand the needs of the people who live and work in the San Diego region. This analysis complements traditional demographic surveys and models and is intended to help deliver more effective projects, policies, and programs. The results classify the population into ten groups that highlight people’s needs and priorities across the region. These are broad generalizations and are not intended to oversimplify the region’s diversity.
Map showing the network of Mobility Hubs near major residential, job, and activity centers. The network includes our region’s urban core and 30 Mobility Hubs that were identified based on land use and employment characteristics, travel patterns, and demographics. Each Mobility Hub would make it easy to reach Transit Leap services by offering on-demand Flexible Fleet choices.

Mobility Hubs

The following SANDAG Snapshots look at who lives around the 31 Mobility Hubs included in the 2021 Regional Plan. Mobility Hubs are whole communities that feature safer streets and a convenient mix of travel choices and amenities. Once fully connected, the regional network of Mobility Hubs ensures seamless connection to major work, school, shopping, and leisure destinations using transit and Flexible Fleets. The Snapshots show how Community Characteristics data can help tailor of Mobility Hubs to meet the needs of specific communities.


The following SANDAG Snapshots examines who lives in each of San Diego County’s jurisdictions, including the prevalence of the ten Community Characteristics groups. The goal is to provide additional information to the local jurisdictions and the County about their residents from data and analyses not available elsewhere.

Related Pages

Interactive Segment Page

Take a closer look at the Community Characteristics groups with these interactive visualizations. Segmented groups provide a lens for identifying behavior patterns among people with similar lifestyles.
Four youth female soccer players dressed in their lavender jerseys are sitting on a bench at an afternoon soccer game.

Interactive Jurisdiction Page

Take a closer look at how the Community Characteristics groups are distributed throughout the region's jurisdictions. These groups help describe the needs and behaviors within each jurisdiction, which inform the solutions we create.
A young Asian woman is driving in a dark grey car with a golden retriever dog in the back seat with his tongue sticking out. Both have their windows open.