Flexible Fleets

Flexible Fleets are shared on-demand transportation services that provide convenient and personalized travel options. Fleets include neighborhood shuttles, shared scooters, rideshare, bikeshare, and last-mile links. These fleets provide important connections between public transit services and key destinations such as work or home, making it easier to move around the region without relying on a car. Flexible Fleets are accessible using mobile apps and can be operated by public and private agency partnerships.
Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) are low-speed, electric shuttles used for three miles. NEVs can operate on a fixed route or an on-demand route, where the NEV shuttle can be hailed from a smartphone app. SANDAG has recently launched two partnership NEV pilots and continues to collaborate with local jurisdictions on pilots throughout the region.
The data findings below were provide by Circuit Transit and highlight operations in Oceanside (gO'side), Pacific Beach (Beach Bug), Downtown San Diego (FRED), National City, Chula Vista, and Carlsbad. These data range from when the pilot program started in January 1st 2022 to March 10th 2024. This page will be updated on a quarterly basis.


  • For NEVs that have fares, we saw that service reliability improved and the number of shared rides increased.
  • NEV pilots are demonstrating significant ridership to and from transit stations within the project area.


Use the filters on the charts to narrow down your results.

Monthly Analysis

Rider - Refers to those who called for a ride
Passenger - Refers to all riders of a ride call (i.e., multiple passengers can be on a ride)
Please use the global filter below to select a month and location.
Note: Data displayed may not be accurate if no month is selected. Additionally, selecting a month before a location shows only locations with rides. This is not the case if selecting a location first and then selecting a month, which may show no data.
Zoom into your selected area in the maps below.
Pick up and drop off points are aggregated by the number of rides on hexagons with a quarter-mile radius. Afterward, the pick up and drop off points were anonymized by relocating to the nearest intersection. Turn on and off Totals and Location Points by selecting the button on the map.

Data Download

To download, click on the three dots and export the data.  

Data Limitations

Please note that the data are collected by another agency. As such, SANDAG does not perform data validation procedures on this data set. Although SANDAG makes efforts to identify and address potential issues, users and analysts should exercise their professional judgment when relying on the data.