Census, Estimates, and Forecasts

How-to Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you transition from Data Surfer to the Open Data Portal?
We transitioned away from Data Surfer to the Open Data portal for three main reasons:
  1. Better Security: The old Data Surfer presented some security concerns which made the website vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The Open Data Portal is a secure site which resolves these security concerns.
  2. Improved Options: The Open Data Portal allows users to view interactive data like the old Data Surfer, while also allowing users of all experience levels the ability to customize reports in ways that were not possible with Data Surfer.
  3. More Data: Not only does the Open Data Portal contain the information previously found in Data Surfer, but it also contains our entire catalog of publicly available data from a wide range of topics we work on.
What are the differences between Census data and SANDAG Estimates?
As the Regional Census Data Center for the San Diego region, SANDAG keeps a complete inventory of data released from the Census since 1990. In addition, SANDAG’s estimates program produces yearly disaggregated population and housing statistics from a composite of data sources to supplement the Census and ACS datasets for the San Diego region.
I used to be able to generate PDF reports in Data Surfer, can I still do that in the Open Data Portal?
Yes! By going to the Census, Estimates, and Forecasts page in the Open Data Portal you can scroll down and access the PDF reports for both Estimates and Forecasts by your chosen area.
What does “series” mean in the Forecast sections?
A series refers to the edition of the forecast. With every update to the Regional Plan, there is an update to the inputs and assumptions used in the modeling process to plan for the development of the region. With every Regional Plan, there is a new edition, or series, to the forecasted data used to inform the Plan. Best practices for using forecast data include using the most recent “series” available, which is indicated by the largest numbered series.
What does “vintage” mean in the Estimates and Forecast sections?
Like “series”, vintage refers to the edition of the estimates. As new input data used to calculate the estimates are made available (such as Census and ACS) annually, new editions of the estimates are made available. Best practices for using estimate data include using the most recent “vintage” available, which is indicated by the most recent year the vintage represents.
When can we expect 2020 Census data to be made available on the Open Data Portal?
The current expectation is by end of quarter one, calendar year 2024.
When will Series 15 be available?
The current expectation is by end of quarter one, calendar year 2024.
When will 2023 Estimates be available?
The current expectation is by end of quarter two, calendar year 2024.
How can I export data from the Open Data Portal?
By clicking on the data asset you want to download, find the ‘Export’ button in the upper right corner of the screen. ‘Download file’ will be the default setting along with ‘CSV’. For most users, this default setting will be what you will select if you want to open the data in Excel.
Who do I contact if I have questions about the Open Data Portal?
For any questions about the Open Data Portal, please email data@sandag.org and your question will be directed to the appropriate department.