SDG Indicator 10.1.1
Indicator 10.1.1 - Household income expenditure
Data for Indicator 10.1.1 compares household income expenditure at the national, state, and region level. Data for this Indicator comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Consumer Expenditure Surveys.
National and State Data
The graph below shows that households in the lowest income quintile spent about one-sixth the amount spent by households in the highest income quintile. State-level data is limited to two-year aggregations for 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20, so these timeframes were used for both the national and California data.
The pie charts below analyze expenditure sources in low-income households compared to high-income households. Households in the lowest income quintile spent 46% of their total expenditures on housing compared to 33% in the highest income quintile. Filters can be used to select what is displayed in terms of year range, quintiles, and geography.
Regional Data
Data is also
available for the San Diego region. However, due to the limited sample size, data
is aggregated into two-year samples and not divided into income quintiles. Filters can be used to select what is displayed in terms of year range, and expenditure categories.