SDG Indicator 17.1.1

Indicator 17.1.1: Total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, by source.
Government revenue data comes from the California State Controller's Office and is brought in at the county level and for each city . The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes from the U.S. Federal Reserve in St. Louis and is available at the region level. The population data comes from SANDAG estimates and is available for each city.
At the county level, we used the annual values of revenue and GDP to calculate the revenue as a percentage of regional GDP for each year. GDP is not available at the city level, so we used the annual revenue and population for each city to calculate revenue per capita.

Revenue per Person by Jurisdiction

The map displays revenue per capita for 2020.

For more information about each data set, click "View Source Data" in the visualization or explore jurisdictional data and regional data for Indicator 17.1.1.
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