2021 State of the Commute Report

This report provides a high-level summary of performance trends for the regional transportation system in calendar year 2021 including highway and transit use and travel times, as well as transit performance. Before the transportation performance data are presented, it is helpful to consider how the region has changed during the past ten years in terms of population, employment, and gross domestic product.
Infographic showing six insights of the overall commute trends in 2021. First, peak period highway travel was up increased by 11%. Second, highway travel times on 16 major commute corridors were up. Third, transit travel times did not change on 15 of 16 selected routes. Fourth, ridership on transit in 2021 increased 3% from 2020. Fifth, bike activity across eight bike routes decreased 14%. Lastly, there were 211,000 one way passenger trips through the Senior Mini Grant program.