Regional data on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 1.4.1, which depicts the percentage households with access to essential services.
Regional data on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 5.1.2, which depicts female wage workers’ median earnings across all industries in the San Diego region as a percentage of male workers’ earnings.
This CJ Bulletin, 2021 Methamphetamine Use by San Diego County Arrestees, is one in a series highlighting findings from data collected as part of the San Diego County Substance Abuse Monitoring (SAM) program.
This CJ Bulletin,2021 Juvenile Arrestee Drug Use in the San Diego Region, is one in a series highlighting findings from data collected as part of the San Diego County Substance Abuse Monitoring (SAM) program.
Regional data on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 2.3.2, which depicts the median income of wage earners in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industry.